Use "sulk|sulked|sulking|sulks" in a sentence

1. Stop sulking.

2. You're sulking.

3. He turned his back and sulked.

4. I sit and sulk.

5. I'cant abear a sulk.

6. Bouderie translations: sulking, sulkiness

7. Don't sulk.

8. Are you sulking, baby?

9. Sulking will solve everything.

10. Stop sulking on your own.

11. And we sit sulking!

12. But I'm still sulking.

13. Don't sulk, Hemsley.

14. You look like you're sulking.

15. Jo was in a sulk upstairs.

16. Look at him sulk

17. She's having a sulk .

18. I want you to stop sulking.

19. He remained impervious to all Nell's sulks and blandishments.

20. Do you see her sulking about it?

21. Now she must be tired of my sulks.

22. He became remote, sulking, even senile possibly.

23. "That's not the game", he sulked to his mother.

24. You can't sit around sulking all day.

25. He went off in a sulk.

26. 1 He remained impervious to all Nell's sulks and blandishments.

27. Is it wothy to sulk with her?

28. I don't have sulk and retaliatory mind.

29. Madeleine, however, did not sulk for long.

30. The firm lips pouted in a sulk.

31. He went off to sulk in his room.

32. Quite unharmed by her experience but suffering from a fit of the sulks.

33. Do not sit in the corner and sulk.

34. Would he sulk over not having been traded?

35. Boody definition: to sulk Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

36. There were periods of sulking, of pronounced distance, of coldness.

37. He's out in the streets, sulking and having a wonderful time.

38. English words for Bouderie include sulkiness, sulk and miff

39. Enoch usually does it, but like I said, he's off sulking somewhere.

40. But it was silly to go into a major sulk.

41. If you have any complaint, don't just sulk ; speak up.

42. Does this guy still sulk in the middle of a meeting?

43. I sulk, I ask him why, but he simply ignores me.

44. Mike could go into a sulk that would last for days.

45. I am in a sulk, a stormy silence, I hardly know why.

46. Anelka has been Sulk but he insists this does not bother him.

47. His face was sallow, his lips curled down in a perpetual sulk.

48. Bogeymen are great, but the most terrifying spectres are upstairs, sulking in their bedrooms

49. So your big plans fall through; are you going to go home sulk?

50. (Jonah 1:1-3) Later, when his preaching activity had succeeded in causing the Ninevites to repent, Jonah sulked.

51. It hurts, you know, but he wouldn't want me to sulk on it.

52. He sulked, grateful only that he had not insisted on the iron mask, but had chosen the velvet one.

53. You must promise me that you won't sulk if I tell you all about it.

54. He is liable to sudden changes of mood and would sulk and cry apparent reason.

55. The man likes sulk, and very unwilling to explain the angry reason to family members.

56. She'd either sulk or raise a stink if she did not get her own way.

57. But the great condor, sulking on some remote ledge in the fastnesses of its preserve, fails to appear.

58. If she doesn't get what she wants she goes into a sulk just like a child.

59. The attendant, now adding a sulk to his sullenness, had shuffled off to the kitchen area.

60. As he left the house, grumbling and sulking, he folded the money into a wad, then tied it into a knot on his sarong.

61. Just because your bias or your tendency or your experience tells you to sulk and stonewall, you don't have to react that way.

62. Welcome to Banjul It's hard to imagine a more unlikely or consistently ignored capital city than the tiny seaport of Banjul. It sits on an island and sulks, crossed by sand-blown streets and dotted with fading colonial structures

63. C'est trop important pour une Bouderie.: The issue is too important for sulking.: A contre-courant sans pour autant chercher à l'être, il peut se rire de la Bouderie des musées français, car à l'étranger tout lui réussit depuis longtemps.: Against the tide without trying to be, it can be laughed at in the sulking French museums because abroad it has been successful for a long time.

64. Bellflowers are hardy plants, with most types growing in Zones 4 to 8, even to zone 3 with reliable snow cover to provide insulation, but they'll sulk in the heat of the Deep South or Southwest

65. La Bouderie (Sulking), the painting for sale here, if it is its title, is an attractive example of the artists anecdotal scenes of Parisian or urban life such as Wedding at the Photographer (1878-79) or the Laundress (1880), before the artist turned to more naturalistic subjects in …